Thursday, March 20, 2014


These days one of my biggest occupation is searching the ways to gain some more income for my family. There is a lot of people saying why don't you get a job, go and search. It sound more easier to stay, than to be done. Anyone who deal before or even in present time, are already familiar with the topic. It is just not so easy guys. Especially if you are a mother. I have a wonderful 15 month old baby girl, who's teeth is growing in light speed, so imagine just how much sleep I get. In all that fuss I'm searching for online job. With my time of sleeping disorder I can not be a good presentation for interview, but not just only that I have to do all the stuff usually every mom do, during the day. Cook, clean, cook, clean, go to store, cook and clean. I manage to sneak out some time for myself and my writing after my baby girl fall asleep, but that's all what I can get for now.

So, I decided to go out, by out mean online and search for some job. Anywhere I look, anywhere I read it was earnings and money bills. Ok, so I try a couple of that ridiculous websites and I just lost my time on it.
I will mention one of them, because it look like really cool site, with good opportunity.
Bubblews- There is two option regarding this site. Or it have some kind of malfunctions and it crash all the time, or they don't like to pay out. I register the first time, and during that day everything pass smooth, and nice. I submitted some articles, and people there are very friendly, they start to connect. Every time someone like, comment or read your article you get paid. Another day has come, and I'm not able to login. After couple of tries I give up, and register with the same username and same password, but register. It mean everything from the beginning. Ok, It's not the end of the world, everything I write before I can rewrite it, and I did. I write, submit, and again lost everything. This makes me wonder are they joking?
However I have to be honest here I saw some people having a hundreds of their post there, and twitting them all the time. Maybe it's just me and my jinx.

"I was always an unusual girl.
My mother told me I had a chameleon soul, no moral compass pointing due north, no fixed personality; just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean.” 

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